Tuesday, 31 January 2017


Author William Michael Davidson is on tour with MC Book Tours featuring his new novel, THE REMNANT, being released 7 February 2017 by Dancing Lemur Press L.L.C.

I am delighted to be today's stop on The Remnant blog tour which lasts for a whole month
  I have an excerpt and a fantastic giveaway for two print copies (US) and and one ebook copy (International)

  • Published 7 Feb 2017
  • Science Fiction/Christian Futuristic Fiction
  • Paperback -- 242 pages

One nation, without God...

          Colton Pierce apprehends Abberants—those who display symptoms of faith—and quarantines them on a remote island to ensure public safety.  Years prior, the government released a genetically-engineered super flu that destroyed the genes believed to be thebiological source of spiritual experience in an effort to rid the world of terrorism. As an extractor with the Center for Theological Control, Colton is dedicated to the cause.
          But Colton's steadfast commitment is challenged when he learns his own son has been targeted for extraction. An underground militia, the Remnant, agrees to help Colton save his son in exchange for his assistance with their plan to free the Aberrants on the island.
          Colton is faced with the most important decision of his life. Remain faithful to the CTC? Or give up everything to save his son?



The Command Center looked like something out of the NASA space program. The room, or what seemed more like an aircraft hanger, was lined with desks, computers, screens, phones, and CTC workers clicking away at their keyboards and squawking away into their headpieces. A movie-theater-sized screen on the north wall displayed a digitalized map of the United States of America. There were always at least a few targets—little red dots on the screen—being monitored by the small paramilitary force in the southeast corner of the room.
Looking at the screen, Colton noticed there were only two current active targets—one in Charlotte, North Carolina and the other (this one flashing red, which indicated the target was armed and dangerous) appeared to be in the upstate New York area. The CTC would have referred such extractions to the local offices in that district but, once extracted, the Aberrants would be sent here in transport vehicles to be registered and delivered to their ultimate destination: the Quarantine Zone.
This was where it all began. As Colton looked over the rows of agents, he reminded himself that every call about every possible threat of theological outbreak began in this room. But few such calls resulted in a possible target and the need for an extraction team. This was the twenty-first century, not the Salem witch hunts of 1692. Every call was surgically monitored for the slightest possibility of fraud, and nobody became an extraction target without clear and compelling evidence: approval of local law enforcement and mandatory reporters, witness testimony, and a very careful examination of the suspect’s activity by a close reading of the individual’s NRNT chip as to his or her whereabouts and what could be considered anomalous behavior. Colton had long prided himself on the extensive safety measures the agency had employed to ensure the public that anyone on the Island deserved to be there and, assuming the new legislation passed, anyone six feet under would deserve to be there as well.

He found Oswald Bane, director of the Command Center, near the front of the room. He stood at his podium directly before the gigantic map of the United States, where he was busy reading reports on his tablet and taking questions from agents who occasionally ran up to him from their stations. He was a short, plump, bald man with white wisps of hair. He wore giant, silver spectacles and pulled them down to the end of his nose to look over the rims when Colton and Kramer approached.
“Oh, hello, Colton,” he said, sounding uncertain. He handed an agent some piece of paper that they had been discussing and turned his full attention to Colton. “What brings you to these parts?”

The Command Center and the extraction teams were two completely different entities and only mixed for special occasions: the staff winter party, Staff Appreciation Week, and community service projects. By and large, most workplace gossip suggested that the agents here thought the extraction teams didn’t really respect the hard, mundane work of the Command Center—the first line of defense. Similarly, the extraction teams thought the Command Center agents were boring pencil-pushers who didn’t really know what it was to get their hands dirty. Still, there was enough mild respect and cordiality to ensure any overlapping of those departments—during those few occasions—went smoothly enough.

About the Author

William Michael Davidson lives in Long Beach, California with his wife and two daughters. A believer that "good living produces good writing," Davidson writes early in the morning so he can get outside, exercise, spend time with people, and experience as much as possible.

A writer of speculative fiction, he enjoys stories that deal with humanity's inherent need for redemption.

For more on Davidson and his writing, connect with him on GoodreadsTwitterFacebook, and Amazon Author’s Page.

THE REMNANT is available to order in eBook form at the following sites:

The print format of the book is available at these sites:

Be sure to add THE REMNANT to your bookshelf on Goodreads.

Check out the other bloggers on the month long tour for information, features, interviews, reviews, guest posts and giveaways

Jan. 23 – The Silver Dagger Scriptorium – Excerpt
Jan. 24 – EmmyMom Taking One Day At A Time – Excerpt and Review
Jan. 25 – Book Dreaming – Excerpt and Review
Jan. 26 – Patricia Stoltey, Author – Interview
Jan. 27 – Inside the Inkwell – Feature
Jan. 30 – Christine Rains – Writer – Review
Feb. 1 – Reviews by Martha’s Bookshelf – Review, Guest Post
Feb. 2 – Reveries Reviews – Review
Feb. 3 – Deal Sharing Aunt – Review
               Rockin’ Book Reviews – Excerpt and Review
Feb. 6 – Murees Dupé – Q&A
               Alex J. Cavanaugh – Guest Post
Feb. 7 – Cheryl’s Book Nook – Review
Feb. 8 – Literary Time Out – Dual Reviews
               Mary’s Cup of Tea – Review
Feb. 9 – Live to Read ~Krystal – Review
Feb. 10 – Bookworm1102 – Excerpt
Feb. 13 – 2 Kids and Tired Books – Excerpt
                Haddie’s Haven – Excerpt and Review
Feb 14 – Tyrean’s Writing Spot – Guest Post and Review
Feb 15 – Book Giveaways – Feature
Feb. 16 – Joylene Nowell Butler, Suspense Author – Feature
Feb. 17 – Year of the Book – Interview
Feb. 20 – Thoughts in Progress – Review
Feb. 21 – Just Us Book Blog – Excerpt
Feb. 22 – Reviews by Crystal – Excerpt


A tour-wide giveaway for two (2) print copies that are available to those living in the U.S. only and one (1) eBook copy available internationally.
You can enter to win at each stop of the tour.

Saturday, 28 January 2017


Published by Headline on 25 September 2014

In the summer of 1972, Famagusta in Cyprus is the most desirable resort in the Mediterranean, a city bathed in the glow of good fortune. An ambitious couple open the island's most spectacular hotel, where Greek and Turkish Cypriots work in harmony. Two neighbouring families, the Georgious and the Özkans, are among many who moved to Famagusta to escape the years of unrest and ethnic violence elsewhere on the island. But beneath the city's façade of glamour and success, tension is building. 
When a Greek coup plunges the island into chaos, Cyprus faces a disastrous conflict. Turkey invades to protect the Turkish Cypriot minority, and Famagusta is shelled. Forty thousand people seize their most precious possessions and flee from the advancing soldiers. In the deserted city, just two families remain. This is their story.

Blending fact with fiction The Sunrise tells the story of three families who are caught up in the unrest in 1974.  Two of the families have their own reasons for staying while the rest of the people of Famagusta have all fled from their homes as the soldiers advanced and started to build barbed wires around the whole of the city.

Though the two families had opposite views, they had to survive together, foraging for food, terrified that the soldiers would discover them.

Before I began the book I knew very little about the tensions, military coup and Turkish invasion during the 1970's. 

The Sunrise is one of those books that 'enjoyable' is the wrong word to say about it as much of what happened was very sad, but I did enjoy reading the story and finding out more about the history of this beautiful island.

There were many characters that I struggled to connect with, there were only one or two that I could care about.  A good read overall if not exactly a page turner for me.

My thanks to Bookbridgr for giving me the opportunity to read this novel.

Available to buy from -- Amazon UK  --  Amazon US  --  Book Depository

Monday, 23 January 2017

Book Review & Giveaway: THE ONE BY JOHN MARRS (Psychological thriller)

Today I am thrilled to be the next stop on the blog tour for this amazing book!  I am sharing my review and also a fabulous giveaway for one copy of The One.

How far would you go to find THE ONE?
One simple mouth swab is all it takes.
One tiny DNA test to find your perfect partner - the one you're genetically made for.
A decade after scientists discover everyone has a gene they share with just one person, millions have taken the test, desperate to find true love.
Now, five more people take the test. But even soul mates have secrets. And some are more shocking - and deadlier - than others...
A psychological thriller with a difference, this is a truly unique novel which is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.

This is one of the most addictive books I have ever read.

The One follows five people who are all anxious to meet their perfect partner after they've been told that their DNA matches,

But none of the relationships is straightforward and there was shock after shock as each chapter ended on a cliffhanger and I was left stunned by one revelation after another.

From a serial killer to a scientist ........... was anyone who they seemed to be?  Twists and turns, this had everything a good thriller should have.

I just had to know what was going to happen next and I kept turning the pages into the early hours.

The One is compulsive, addictive, frightening, stunning ..... and very, very, good.

  • Del Rey
  • Published 4th May 2017
  • 368 Pages

  • Check out the other bloggers on the tour for interviews, features, reviews etc.

    You will not be able to forget this if you are lucky enough to read it!  Enter the giveaway for a chance of winning a copy.

    Open to UK only
    Entrants will be chosen at random by Rafflecopter and will be emailed for their address
    Ends at midnight GMT on Sunday 5 Feb 2017.

    Friday, 20 January 2017

    Book Review: THE BODY ON THE DOORSTEP BY A.J. MACKENZIE (Historical Mystery)

    A Romney Marsh Mystery
    Published by Zaffre 21 April 2016

    Kent, 1796. Smugglers’ boats bring their illicit cargoes of brandy and tobacco from France to land on the beaches of the Channel coast.
    Shocked to discover a dying man on his doorstep - and lucky to avoid a bullet himself – our alcoholic Reverend Hardcastle, with a colourful past, finds himself entrusted with the victim's cryptic last words.
    Who is the young man? Where did he come from, and who killed him? Why, five minutes later, was a Customs officer shot and killed out on the Marsh? And who are the mysterious group of smugglers known as the Twelve Apostles and why is the leader of the local Customs service so reluctant to investigate?
    Ably assisted by the ingenious Mrs Chaytor, Reverend Hardcastle sets out to solve the mystery for himself. But smugglers are not the only ones to lurk off the Kent coast, and the more he discovers, the more he realises he might have bitten off more than he can chew.

    The Body on the Doorstep is the first Romney Marsh mystery and what a clever and entertaining mystery it was!

    Reverend Hardcastle, the rector of a small village in Kent, enjoys a claret and a port and a brandy and the villagers look upon him as a harmless, alcoholic idiot. While most of them are involved in smuggling in some way he turns a blind eye and, in appreciation of his discretion, is often rewarded with a bottle of brandy on his doorstep.

    But what he found on his doorstep one evening was not his favourite brand of brandy, it was the bloody body of a young man who's dying words are told to the reverend.

    This starts Hardcastle on a quest to discover who he was and why he was killed. While out walking he meets a widow, Mrs Chaytor, who is also curious to know some answers and, together they form an unlikely partnership, which I thought worked really well in the story. The villagers would tell things to her that they wouldn't tell Hardcastle and vice versa.

    This was a complex, but not complicated, story about smugglers, treason, traitors and spies ........ in a village fearful that the French would invade the country at any time.

    Full of colourful characters, my favourite of whom was the Reverend Hardcastle who was a whole lot cleverer than his villagers thought he was; he spoke plainly, offending most people apart from the fascinating Amelia Chaytor who knew her own mind.

    A well plotted, well written story that I very much enjoyed and eagerly look forward to the further adventures of Hardcastle and Chaytor!

    At the beginning of the book there is a map of the area featured in the story - I could follow the characters and picture where they were which made it all the more enjoyable - I do love a map!

    Not the actual map in the book

    Huge thanks to Emily Burns at publishers Bonnier Zaffre for giving me the opportunity to read this novel.

    About the Authors

    A.J. MacKenzie is the pseudonym of Marilyn Livingstone and Morgen Witzel, a collaborative Anglo-Canadian husband-and-wife duo. Between them they have written more than twenty non-fiction and academic titles, with specialisms including management, medieval economic history and medieval warfare.
    THE BODY ON THE DOORSTEP is their first novel.

    Available from Amazon UK - Amazon US - Book Depository

    Promo Blitz: PLANTED BY C.T. COLLIER (Cozy Mystery)

    Cozy Mystery
    Date Published: June 2016
    Publisher: Asdee Press

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    It’s Monday of spring break when Professor Lyssa Pennington’s backyard garden project unearths a loaded revolver. With no record of violence at their address and no related cold case, the Tompkins Falls police have no interest. But the Penningtons and a friend with the State Police believe there’s a body somewhere. Whose? Where? And who pulled the trigger?


    Lyssa sobbed and punched her pillow and finally fell deeply asleep.

    Sometime after midnight, a hand rose from the hole in the center of the garden, found her in the guest room, and grabbed her by the throat.

    She bolted upright and sucked air with noisy gasps. Stroking her throat, she scanned every corner of the room. She was alone.

    White window curtains fluttered as the heat came on. She studied the lacy pattern traced on the linen panels by the streetlamp as it shone through the branches of a tree.

    Her breathing eased, and her hand slid instinctively lower, to her breastbone, where she massaged with soothing pressure. Her newfound calm brought awareness. She wasn’t alone.

    Death was in the room with her. 

    About the Author

    C. T. Collier was born to solve logic puzzles, wear tweed, and drink Earl Grey tea. Her professional experience in cutthroat high tech and backstabbing higher education gave her endless opportunity to study intrigue. Add to that her longtime love of mysteries, and it’s no wonder she writes academic mysteries that draw inspiration from traditional whodunits. Her setting: entirely fictional, Tompkins College is no college and every college, and Tompkins Falls, is a blend of several Finger Lakes towns, including her hometown, Seneca Falls, NY (AKA Bedford Falls from It’s a Wonderful Life).

    Contact Links

    Facebook: /kate.collier.315
    Twitter: @TompkinsFalls

    Purchase Links

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