Friday, 30 April 2021

Death of a Texan by Cat Hickey - Book Blog Tour

I am thrilled today to be involved in the blog tour for Death of a Texan by Cat Hickey (Book Two of the Chloe Parsons Mysteries)

A grieving widow. A sketchy admirer. An adoring boyfriend.

But one of them is up to no good.

Chloe's new life in Costa Rica seems perfect: her relationship with Mateo is heating up, and her career as a private investigator is off to a good start. She only wishes that her cases were more interesting than the lost dogs or cheating husbands she's been hired for so far…

She gets her wish when a dead body lands, almost literally, at her feet. Hired by the highly strung Elena Vargas to follow her husband, Victor, Chloe discovers that not only was he cheating on his wife – he's been murdered.

As Chloe delves deeper into the mystery surrounding Victor's death, she uncovers secret after secret. The danger becomes all too real when she narrows in on the killer's identity. Someone is following her everywhere, and threatening notes arrive on her doorstep.

As if that's not bad enough, her relationship with Mateo begins to unravel, and his coworker, Jaime, seems intent on convincing her that Mateo is a cheater.

Desperately trying to figure out what's going on, Chloe becomes more and more enmeshed in a sordid world of lies, sex, and murder.

Who can Chloe really trust? And can she catch the killer before she becomes the next victim?

Purchase Link -

Meet the Author

Cat Hickey has a Master’s degree in Biology, and teaches Anatomy and Physiology at a university in Baltimore, MD, USA. She writes light-hearted mysteries and thrillers that are based, partly, on her extensive travels around the world. She is also an avid yogi who teaches aerial yoga and practices aerial circus arts, and spends the rest of her time with her three rescue animals, which consist of three cats and a horse.

Social Media Links –  www.facebook/cathickey 

Check out all the other bloggers taking part in the tour for reviews etc.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Janey Trelawney's Year of Surprising Triumphs by Georgia Hill - Book Blog Tour

I am delighted to be involved in the Blog Tour for Janey Trelawney's Year of Surprising Triumphs by Georgia Hill

Janey’s life becomes more disaster movie than romcom when the ruthless Becca steams in to manage Cheney House. Her job as head gardener in peril and her self-confidence in tatters, Janey must fight back. Finding an ally in Will, who’s more Clark Kent than Superman, it’s up to them to save the day while owner Clare is away having her Shirley Valentine moment. It doesn’t help that everyone is in love with the wrong people!

Why can’t people love the one who loves them back?

Will Cheney House survive - and will Janey ever get her When Harry Met Sally happy ending?

Find out in this warm-hearted romance from the author of the best-selling Millie Vanilla’s Cupcake Café, full of Gregory Peck look-a-likes, snowdrops, cake, and a cocker spaniel called Camilla.

Purchase Links 

UK - 

US -

Meet the Author

Georgia Hill writes warm-hearted and up-lifting contemporary and timeslip romances about love, the power and joy in being an eccentric oldie and finding yourself and your community. There's always a dog. It's usually a naughty spaniel of which, unfortunately, she has had much experience. Her books are firmly rooted in small seaside towns similar to the one she lives in and she loves history especially when it insists on rearing up and battering at the present.

As a child she had an invisible friend called Gonky who lived on the third stair from the bottom. As an adult her invisible friends inhabit her head and refuse to leave until she commits them to paper. Readers of her books can escape into a warm bath of words and, no matter what challenges her characters face they will, ultimately, have a happy ending.

Twitter @georgiawrites and at 

Social Media Links – 

Twitter @georgiawrites 


Instagram georgiahill5681

Facebook georgiahillauthor

Also check out the other Bloggers on the Tour for lots of content, including Reviews

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

On The Road to Love by Melissa Baldwin - Blog Tour - Guest Post + Giveaway

I'm thrilled to be involved in the blog tour today for ON THE ROAD TO LOVE by Melissa Baldwin - I have a Guest Post and a fantastic Giveaway!

From bestselling romantic comedy author Melissa Baldwin

comes the road trip of a lifetime!

Successful Manhattan accountant Stacy Brown is shocked

when her almost perfect life unexpectedly crumbles around

her. Blindsided by her husband when he serves her with

divorce papers and tossed aside by the women she

considered her best friends, devastation and depression hit

her hard. But when her mother sends her an old photograph

of her and two childhood friends, Candace and Olivia, it fuels

a desire in Stacy to find that person she once was. What

starts as a chance to reconnect turns into an unforgettable

road trip back to her childhood home and an encounter with

a man from her past. 

Gavin Kingsley, son of Stacy's old piano teacher and former

annoying boy next door, sparks something in Stacy that she

hasn't felt in a long time…maybe never? Despite her

hesitation to jump into a relationship, Stacy can't help being

drawn to him as she and her girlfriends take a journey of

self-discovery, laughs, tears, and hysterical moments. 

Can returning to her past give Stacy everything she's been

searching for in her future? 

Purchase Links 

US – 

UK - 

Guest Post by Melissa Baldwin

Distractions? What distractions? 

I truly consider myself a master of multi-tasking. I’m proud to

say I can fold laundry, put away groceries, get a snack and

text all at the same time. So why couldn’t I do many different

tasks and write?

Because even a master multi-tasker gets distracted! 

No judging, as I will now reveal the FIVE Biggest Distractions

that keep me from Writing…Drum Roll…

  1. The love of my life- my dear husband. With our very busy

  2. schedules it’s difficult to find time to spend time

  3. together. I try to keep my writing time for when he’s at

  4. work or after he goes to bed. Thankfully he’s very

  5. supportive of my writing career.

  6. TV- I’m not a much of a TV person, but I do have a few go

  7. to guilty pleasures. The Bachelor, General Hospital, and

  8. 90210 re-runs. (This is where the no judging comes in.)

  9. It’s a good thing the Bachelor is only on once a year- I’m

  10. completely useless on Monday nights.

  11. Social Media- This is an obvious distraction because lets

  12. face it, who doesn’t get caught up in the scrolling?

  13. Confession: I’ve already checked Instagram three times

  14. while writing this post.

  15. My daughter- Book ideas, plots, and characters are

  16. constantly popping into my head, but my daughter will

  17. always come first. She’s my most important distraction.

  18. Working out, chores, talking to friends, answering

  19. emails—the list goes on. As a busy author, mother and

  20. wife there will always be something to keep me from my

  21. laptop.

Most of us feel like we have to be the best and do it all. I

have learned that it’s okay if everything isn’t perfect and that

life doesn’t always go as planned. After a full day of writing,

errands, chores and family time I’m thankful for the time I

have to write and bring my ideas to life…as long as there are

no good TV shows on of course☺

Meet the Author

Melissa Baldwin is a planner-obsessed Disney fan who still

watches Beverly Hills 90210 reruns and General Hospital. 

She’s a wife, mother, and journal keeper, who finally decided to write the book she talked about for years. She took her dream to the next level, and is now an award-winning, bestselling author of seventeen Romantic Comedy and Cozy Mystery novels and novellas. Melissa writes about charming, ambitious, and real women, and she considers these leading ladies to be part of her tribe.

When she isn't deep in the writing zone, this multitasking master organizer keeps busy by spending time with her family, chauffeuring her daughter, traveling, attempting yoga poses, and going on rides at Disney World.

Social Media Links – Amazon:




Giveaway to Win a $20 Amazon Gift Card (Open INT)

*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.


Sunday, 18 April 2021

The Therapist by B.A. Paris - Short Book Review - Blog Tour



Published:  15 April 2021

When Alice and Leo move into a newly renovated house in The Circle, a gated community of exclusive houses, it is everything they’ve dreamed of. But appearances can be deceptive…

As Alice is getting to know her neighbours, she discovers a devastating, grisly secret about her new home, and begins to feel a strong connection with Nina, the therapist who lived there before.

Alice becomes obsessed with trying to piece together what happened two years before. But no one wants to talk about it. Her neighbours are keeping secrets and things are not as perfect as they seem…

My Thoughts:

The Therapist is one of my favourite books of this year.

It's creepy and unnerving in parts, the writing is compelling, and I really didn't know who to trust, who to believe.

The girl who used to live in Alice's house was called Nina and Alice becomes obsessed with her as her own sister was also called Nina.

Some of the situations Alice's finds herself were a little bit scary as I was reading it on my own at night, and I wondered if Alice's mind was playing tricks on her.  This was typical of the way the story was written, it kept me questioning everything and everyone.

The pacing was perfect, the characters were believable, there were secrets and lies, it was tense and twisty, and the overall story kept me glued to the pages.

Definitely one to recommend!

Thanks to Harper Collins for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

Available to buy now from ~ Amazon UK

Check out all the other bloggers on the tour


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