Genre: Supernatural Thriller
Published by: Moorhen LLP (Dec 2008)
Pages: 251 (Paperback)
My Rating: 8.5/10
My Thoughts:
This is David Elliot's debut novel and what an exciting, gory, suspenseful story it is!
Set in the present time, the story goes back and forth over 700 years of bloody history of the border clans.
David Elliot is an unhappy man, he is terrified of dying having achieved nothing he felt was worthwhile in his life. He decides to learn more about his family history and he and his daughter, son-in-law and grandson travel from Oxford to the England/Scotland border and stay in a local cottage.
At the same time a dark evil spirit, William de Soulis, has, over the centuries, been slowly gaining power and money with the help of a murderer, Andrea Dettori, and some evil dwarfs called 'Red Caps'. He has been trapped in the nearby haunted and brooding Hermitage Castle -- in the hope of coming back to earth to live again as a human and rule, he would sacrifice anything or anyone for the power and standing he thinks he is entitled to...........including the innocent Elliot family whose destiny is somehow wrapped up with Soulis's.
Hermitage Castle sat brooding on the edge of what was once the 'Debatable Lands', a three mile wide and twelve mile long strip of rough moorland, a few miles to the north of Carlisle, which marked the disputed border area between Scotland and England. So politically sensitive was this area, that the mere building of this powerful defensive icon in the 13th century, gave Henry III an excuse to invade Scotland, claiming it had been built too close to the border.
This is the age-old battle of good versus evil with a few twists and turns thrown in, and some of the writing is a little gory, especially the battle scenes.
The stories of the clan families warring with each other down the years I found interesting and I presumed there really is an Elliot Clan Chief as she has a quote on the back of the book, all of which I knew nothing about.
The chapter where we are introduced to the business partners of Andrea Dettori and of how they obtained their wealth went over my head and I found it quite boring, and I'm not sure if it added too much to the story.
However, I thought the overall storyline was very good, with just enough happening to keep me wanting to read on. I liked the Elliot family and I really got involved in their torment, and as a mother myself I could certainly identify with Kate's protection of her young son, which was quite moving.
David P Elliot's website can be found here and I must thank the author for sending me this book to review.
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Another book I would recommend in the same horror genre is Dark Worlds: Book 1: Project 31 by Zack Daggy.